Incentive Coupons
For local businesses that cannot offer gift cards or certificates, or when those would be impractical, we now have SCRIP Incentive Coupons. Instead of trying to accurately estimate your purchase amount, pre-paying the SCRIP program, waiting several days for a check from the SCRIP program, and then returning to the business to complete the purchase, Incentive Coupons allow us to simplify the process for everyone! Here's how it works:
The family brings a blank SCRIP Incentive Coupon to the participating business. SCRIP Incentive Coupon
The business and the family together fill out the Incentive Coupon, each keeping a copy, and complete their transaction as usual.
The family returns a copy of the completed Incentive Coupon to the SCRIP program so that we may anticipate the business' donation and credit the family's tuition account. Email a clear photo or scan of the coupon (, or drop a copy in one of the SCRIP boxes or at the church or school offices.
The business mails a copy of the completed Incentive Coupon with their donation for the rebate amount to the SCRIP program. Our address is: All Saints Elementary School, ATTN: SCRIP, 720 29th Street SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52314.
The donation shown on the Incentive Coupon is treated exactly as the usual SCRIP gift card rebates: 50% is directed to the family's tuition or to school/parish as the family chooses, and the other 50% goes to the school.
If you have any questions or comments about SCRIP Incentive Coupons, or if your business would like to participate in All Saints SCRIP program, please email or call 319-363-4110. Thank-you!